Harnessing new trends for fresh reach
Swedish family business TePe popularised interdental brushes (IDBs). Now an oral hygiene staple, the brand’s number 1 selling product is a firm favourite among dental professionals, whose recommendation is the key route to growing sales. But when the Covid-19 pandemic stopped people visiting the dentist, the brand needed a new way to increase awareness, consideration, and brand preference, as well as showcase its sustainability journey.
TePe’s core IDB customers are ABC1 55+ females. But we identified a larger, younger audience who attend regular check-ups and occasionally use dental accessories. To move them from casually ‘dentally aware’ to ‘IDB aware’ we needed a broad reaching and persuasive media strategy. Here, the pandemic presented an opportunity with the rise of the home dental care trend.
We combined digital channels like online newsbrands, YouTube and paid social with OOH messaging – in supermarkets during lockdown and later as London underground panels – and print display for cost-effective reach and frequency. Video-enhanced online advertorials and native in newspaper supplements drove consideration and brand preference among the core audience. And endorsement from Good Housekeeping’s ‘Getting Greener’ product testing scheme earned a badge of approval to carry the sustainability message across media placements.

Focusing on mass reach mediums ensured nearly three-quarters of our ‘dentally aware’ audience were exposed on average 3.5 times. The campaign delivered a 6% increase in unaided awareness and a 12% rise in aided awareness. The positive trends cascaded down the purchase funnel, with consideration rising 8 percentage points and purchase intent rising 11 percentage points.
Brand perceptions also improved across the board with strong brand and product shifts.

• TePe is a trusted brand (up 5%pts to 21%)
• TePe is for someone like me (up 5%pts to 15%)
• Using TePe helps you get a healthy mouth (up 4%pts to 23%)
• TePe is leading manufacturer of interdental brushes (up 4%pts to 15%)
• TePe is a brand recommended by dental professionals (up 7%pts to 25%)