
Changing Sundays

We have been working with Shloer, the biggest selling adult soft drinks brand, since 1998. Throughout that time, we have seen the brand grow and blossom. Recently, we saw an opportunity to extend the reach of Shloer and to deliver a plan that would get it onto shoppers' weekly shopping lists.

First Things First

We had previously discovered that the best way to recruit and engage shoppers in supermarkets as they browse the category was to create a BIG UNLIMITED IDEA that could reach across multiple consumer touch points and satisfy their lifestyle needs.

To drive the rate of sale by recruiting new consumers to the brand and to reward existing users, we created Shloer's first-ever on-pack promotion – a momentous occasion in the life of many brands. This choice of promotion mechanic both supported this drive for recruitment and built brand equity at the point of purchase.

Your Shloer Sunday

Sundays is a key usage occasion for Shloer and building on this important day in the calendar, we tapped into trends such as 'personalisation', 'Nowism', and 'Happyomics'.

The activation itself was simple and didn't ask too much of the audience, creating a seamless TTL consumer journey and awareness in an effortless way that invited engagement.

The promotional mechanic included on each of the 2 million promotional packs contained a unique reference code for entry to an instant win competition via the Shloer Facebook page. The competition experience engaged the user and educated them on our Shloer usage occasion (Sundays) via the use of four Sunday typologies: Sunny Sunday, Sofa Sunday, Sparkling Sunday and Scrumptious Sunday.

Each Sunday offered a different range of prizes to make your Sunday occasion special. The campaign also gave us an opportunity to strengthen the brand’s trade relationship with buyers, whilst developing new brand partnerships for Shloer.

The Result?

The campaign delivered a rich digital brand experience that created engagement, association and relevance around the Shloer Sunday occasion, and the Facebook fan-base grew by 44%.

Overall, the campaign achieved an increase in the number of shoppers buying Shloer YOY and increased positive brand perceptions and likelihood to recommend to others.

Here's what Amanda Grabham, Head of Brand Marketing for Shloer had to say:

“The Love Your Shloer Sunday on-pack was a highly creative and engaging promotion. We were delighted to see how Bray Leino integrate the promotion with our high profile TV campaign… Brought to life our ‘Best Served Shared’ marketing campaign and ensured our sales continue to sparkle in 2012.” 

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